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Live The Life presents

True North

True North

Equipping the next generation with life skills, educating them on how to live a successful and fulfilling life.



Below are the different programs that we teach:

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Real Essentials

Real Essentials is our relationship education course, which teaches students how to have quality relationships in every area of life.

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Money Matters

Money Matters is our finance course, helping students with budgeting, building a mindset toward saving, and planning for a successful future. 

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Family Frontiers

Family Frontiers encourages families to grow in connection with one another, and to communicate effectively within a family dynamic.

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Real Essentials

Relationship Education

  • 8 lessons, 50 minutes each



Real Essentials teaches students to have healthy relationship dynamics. This program helps students regulate their emotions in times of difficulty, and grow their self-confidence, while also teaching behavior modification, guiding students to grow into the adults they want to become. The curriculum includes the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics, how to implement healthy communication, and how to build relationships on strong and reliable connections. This leads to well-educated and emotionally mature youth.



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Money Matters

Financial Course

  • 4 lessons, 50 minutes each.

  • Real Essentials is needed as a prerequisite course before teaching Money Matters.


Money Matters teaches students how to critically think about their future. This includes how to budget, save, calculate spending, and how to go about getting a job and thriving in a workplace environment. This course adds critical information in addition to Real Essentials that aids students in building a strong and healthy future for themselves.

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Family Frontiers

Family Education

  • 8 lessons, 50 minutes each.

  • Real Essentials is needed as a prerequisite course for Family Frontiers.


Family Frontiers is a family-oriented curriculum focused on strengthening positive family dynamics and effective communication. By communicating well about daily conflicts throughout the day, a healthier home environment is built, allowing children and students to thrive. Family Frontiers teaches how to cultivate an environment for healthy conversations at home, how to effectively address problems, and the different roles that are appropriate for family members to play in the house.


We would love to bring our programming to your location, feel free to contact us with the information below.


600 Rinehart Rd, Lake Mary FL, 32746


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